Element Reiki Healing Arts
Wellness Centers
Holistic and alternative methods for bringing wellness into your life are on the rise all over the world. Reiki is an old Japanese form of spiritual healing developed by Mikao Usui, a well know Japanese Buddhist. Element Reiki Healing Arts has taken this age old method and personalized it to bring a broader range of intuitive healing methods to it's services.
With twenty-four years of clinical and private practice experience and over fifteen years of teaching experience, they offer all levels of Reiki attunements, intuitive development, meditation, divine sacred geometry, astral travel, crystal energy/healing, creating sacred space, property/space clearing and more.
When you combine the methods, experience and beautiful environment of Costa Rica - your results from their services are bound to please you instantly.
Individual sessions, group classes or one of their wonderful retreats are waiting for you to take the plunge into Reiki wellness. Sessions start as low as $50.00
Deep Energetic Healing Session with Reiki...$50
Emotional Cord Cutting with Reiki...$50
Energy Field Clearing and Re-balancing with Reiki...$50
Healing Attunement with Reiki...$50
DNA Activation...$75
Intuitive Guidance Session...$50
Creating Personal Sacred Space...$100 (plus travel fees)
Space/Home/Property Clearing and Blessing...10 cents per sq. foot (plus travel fees)