Spanish Phrases
Your adventures in Costa Rica will be more enjoyable and full of rich experiences if you attempt to speak Spanish, the official language. Costa Rica is a full of colorful "Ticos" ready to laugh with you, and teach you a few new sayings. Costa Rican Spanish is different than the Castilian form of Spanish spoken in Spain but is still very polite and somewhat formal. Most businesses that cater to tourist will have english speakers on staff, but if you are walking around town and want to experience the culture, here are a few phrases to get you started...
English | Spanish | Pronunciation |
My name is... | Me llamo… | Mey yah-mo |
What´s your name | ¿Cómo se llama usted? | Ko-mo seh-yah-mah oos-ted |
Pleased to meet you | Mucho gusto | Moo-choh goose toe |
How are you? | Cómo está usted | Ko-mo eestah oost-ted |
very well, thank you | Muy bien, gracias | Mooy bee-ehn grah-see-as |
And you? | Y usted | Ee oos-ted |
Please | Por favor | Pore-fah-vore |
Thank you | gracias | grah-see-as |
You´re welcome | Con mucho gusto | Con moo-cho-goose-toe |
I am sorry | Disculpe | dee-skool-peh-meh |
Excuse me | Con permiso | Con pair-mee-so |
Pardon me | Perdóneme | Pair-dohn-a-meh |
I don´t speak spanish | No hablo español | No ahbloo espahnyol |
When | Cuándo | Kwan-do |
Why | Porqué | Pore-keh |
Who | Quién | Kee-yen |
How | Cómo | Ko-moe |
I understand | Entiendo | En-tee-en-doh |
I don´t understand | No entiendo | No en-tee-en-doh |
I don´t know | No sé | No say |
Where is? | Dónde está | Dohn-deh-es-tah |
Near | Cerca | Sehr-ka |
Far | Lejos | Lay-hoes |
Left | Izquierda | Iss-key-air-dah |
Right | Derecha | Dare-eh-chah |
How much does is it cost | Cuánto cuesta | Koo-anto koo-ehstah |
I want to buy | Quisiera comprar… | Kee-see-e-rah kom-prahr |
Good morning | Buenos días | Bway-nohs-dee-ahs |
Good afternoon | Buenas tardes | Bway-nahs-tar-des |
Good evening | Buenas noches | Bway-nahs-no-ches |
What time is it? | Qué hora es | Ke-ora es |
Open | Abierto | Ah-bee-her-toe |
Closed | Cerrado | Sehra-doe |
Do you speak English? | Habla usted inglés | Ah-blah-oosted-inglehs |