Rancho La Merced
You can ride around in your car and see bits and pieces of Costa Rica but you can't experience it unless you get out and explore. There is no better way to see some of the hidden treasures of Costa Rica than on horseback. Choosing the right guide makes all the difference in the world and is the difference between a good tour and a great tour.
Rancho La Merced should be your choice when visiting the Costa Ballena area. They have experienced guides and a great selection of trails and tours that cover the beach, waterfalls, rivers and the slopes of the mountains located in Marino Ballena National Park. The guides will point out wildlife, flora and other of natures wonders for you to enjoy. Great outing choice for all ages and the entire family.
They are prepared to handle private tours, large or small groups and special occasion events. Their facility is a great choice to combine a birthday party or anniversary with a day of guided tours.
Link to their website from the contact information on this page to see an up to date list of tours and rates. Reservations by email or phone.